Benjo Kazue
Benjo Kazue is an interdisciplinary artist and intergalactic journalist from the dregs of gonzo rock n' roll. He fuses creative non-fiction, new journalism, autobiographical fiction and armchair philosophy with cut and paste collage into tactile works of contemporary beatnik reportage, and does it with a potent combination of sensorial force, vivid language, existential meandering, nihilistic humour and gonzo poetry.
His creative non-fiction, journalism, music criticism and commentary have been published in street press, national media, literary journals and websites including Bengaluru Review, Joao Roque Literary Journal, Collapse Board, NME, Monster Children, and more. Renowned rock critic EverettTrue even once said Benjo could be Lester Bangs incarnate.
He is currently the editor and Genius at The Helm of DIY literary journal and indie publishing house: Cosmic Phallusy, which was shortlisted for Best Overall Zine and Best Lit Zine at the 2022 Broken Pencil International Zine awards. He also hosts creative workshops, teaches zine-making, and runs zine and writing programs for colleges, youth, and disability. He is the organiser of Byron Bay Print Fest and recently spoke at the Asia Pacific Literary Festival and Brisbane Writers Festival about Zines and Publishing as its own Art Form.
He has been a writer for 15 years and is half way through an honours degree in writing and philosophy.