My journey in growing food started as a child at my Nonna’s farm. Growing up in an Italian rural village and coming to Australia in my mid-40’s after the war, my means were little, so I made and grew everything myself. As well as Nonna’s place, we held a small 40 acre holding and ran cattle for beef production. My days after school were spent tending herds, growing food and battling weeds. Decades on, now I want to share my passion for growing food, through training people with skills to set up their own food forests and maintain them. Part pragmatist, part scientist, part artist, part mechanic – my knowledge all comes together to make me a unique farmer and a unique trainer. I never stop learning and am thankful for my science degree, my teaching qualifications and my horticultural trade certificates as they have helped me solve some pretty tricky situations on the farm and in the nurseries and technical colleges I have worked at over the years. May the kernel of knowledge you gain in my class lead to something fruitful!