Shakti Burke
Shakti Burke
Shakti discovered yoga and meditation on the Australia Day long weekend in 1985 and has been an avid daily meditator ever since. Her meditation journey involved several years in an Indian ashram followed by teaching widely in Sydney while also practising martial arts. In the mid 90s she and her yogi husband moved to a spectacular multiple occupancy community outside Kyogle (northern nsw) where they brought up their son and for many years practised under the umbrella of nearby Vajjradhata Gonpa, attending many retreats and receiving teachings from learned tiberan lamas. Shakti was inspired in 2011 by the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn to bring secular mindfulness courses and workshops to her local community. Her classes have a strong scientific basis and are blended with the modalities of iRest (Richard Miller), Positive Neuroplastity (Rick Hanson) and ACT (Russ Harris). Shakti also works with children, previously through the Siddhartha Schools monthly weekend programs and since 2012 with colleague Bobbi Allan’s Mindfulness in Education, delivering mindfulness programs in primary schools. She writes a monthly Mindfulness blog on her website