Nyesha Ellis
Tutor Bio – Nyesha Ellis
Nyesha Ellis’s interest in the field of Psychology started from a young age through her curiosity of looking at her dreams and seeking to interpret their meaning. This interest lay dormant for many years until she decided to attend Ballarat University and successfully completed the Bachelor of Psychology, Majoring in Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Psychology) course.
From there, Nyesha completed 2 years as a Provisional Psychologist, which included working at the Fulham Correctional Centre near Sale in Victoria, predominantly co-facilitating a variety of different group programs such as a 15-week Drug & Alcohol Intensive Counselling, Cognitive Skills, and Anger Management course.
Nyesha registered as a Psychologist in 2005 and found her true connection while working within the Community Services field as a Problem Gambling Counsellor with Anglicare Victoria. This role also included working from a prevention and early intervention approach, working with people in the community to increase their wellbeing, resilience, emotional intelligence and connection to community. Nyesha assisted in the development and co-facilitation of community programs such as Wonderwomen, Life Skills and Mindfulness Meditation. The programs provided an opportunity for people to learn helpful wellbeing strategies, increase their social connections, to hear one’s inner voice and to explore one’s creativity via a variety of mixed media approaches.
Nyesha was approached to facilitate a new role as a Mental Health Promotion (MHP) Officer with Latrobe Community Health Service. The MHP Officer role focussed on supporting the large number of local Sudanese community members to increase their connectedness to the community.
From there, Nyesha returned to Problem Gambling Counselling in Bendigo, Victoria, with St Luke’s which renewed her passion for creativity with the development of creative wellbeing programs for women in the community. The aim of these programs were to enhance social connections, connect to local support systems and for participants to hear their own inner wisdom through creative expression. The programs were extremely popular and feedback from participants indicated they experienced further growth, increased inner awareness, inner strength and social connections, enhanced confidence and increased ability to set and achieve goals through the art of creative expression.
Most recently, Nyesha has developed two creative art programs for women, “Self-Reflection: A Gift Just For You” & “Express Yourself Creatively” which explores a variety of different approaches and methods for self-growth and personal development based on Nyesha’s extensive training, facilitation and personal experience. The Self-Reflection: A Gift Just For You program topics include: Relaxation, Self-Care, Personal Strengths, Celebrating Achievements & Hopes & Dreams. The Express Yourself Creatively program topics include: Mindfulness, Values, Character Strengths, Kindness, Gratitude and Spirituality. The topic areas are explored and reflected upon based on the information provided, on one’s own personal experiences, group sharing and from using a variety of different creative mediums. No previous creative art experience is required.
Nyesha is passionate about creating a space for local women to reflect upon their life, build resilience, hear their own inner wisdom and gain greater confidence through the art of creative expression.
Nyesha has a strong interest in the field of positive psychology, meditation, mindfulness, relaxation and creative arts. The programs are all about creating a space for women to reflect upon different areas of their life, to connect with like-minded souls and to ultimately hear and connect with their own unique inner voice through creativity.
To find out further information you can visit www.nyeshaellis.com, connect via facebook at Nyesha Ellis – Psychologist, email on nyeshaellis11@gmail.com