Scott Rawstorne
Scott Rawstorne
Scott Rawstorne is an Australian Canoeing certified Flatwater Kayak Instructor with twelve years' experience. He has taught basic skills at Kayak and Canoe Inc. in Sydney and the Kayak Cafe in Ballina. He has run tours for Sydney Harbour Kayaks, Southern Adventures, Ocean Planet, Eco Escapes and Kayak Ballina; represented kayak importer Perception Kayaks; and worked for the Blue Sky Outdoor camping store as their kayak expert. Scott is the creator of the Global Paddler project ( and the self-published author of The Paddler’s Guide to New South Wales, The Paddler’s Guide to Queensland and The Paddler’s Guide to Victoria. Last but not least, he is the owner of Ballina Kayaks ( which offers kayak hire, tours and lessons in the Ballina Shire.