Bronwyn Elliott
Bron has a passion for engaging people to find their life passion through the lessons that permaculture brings.
For the past 23 years, Bron has been teaching people and businesses how to use less resources, thinking about where water, materials, consumables, food and energy come from and designing buildings and operations with this knowledge in mind. She shares practical approaches to sustainable living – growing ‘real’ food; harvesting and using water cleverly; co-existing and harmonising with other species, minimising energy use and closing the loop on the lifecycle of things – so as to reduce the creation of waste.
Bron has qualifications and experience in environmental management, training, marketing, waste management and animal behaviour and values the lessons she gets from interactions with others (human and other).
Having lived primarily in the temperate and sub-tropical regions of Australia, Bron undertook her permaculture design certificate training in the dryland region of Jordan in 2011. She aims to experience her permaculture knowledge in all other climatic zones.
In 2013, Bron began teaching specific permaculture courses, bringing the first dedicated permaculture teaching to Redlands just east of Brisbane. This followed on from a period of steering the community association of Redland Organic Growers. She also undertook a Certificate 4 in Holistic Management and enjoys exploring the parallels between the two practices.