Andrea Falletta
Andrea Falletta
I am an Italian photojournalist and documentary photographer now based in Byron bay, Australia.
After gaining a three-year Diploma in Photography at the at Scuola di Scienze e Tecnica of Comune di Roma, I started working as a documentary photographer and photojournalist. I spent my last three years in London covering breaking news for Agence France Press and at the same time I took part to several masterclasses and workshops around Europe with professional photographers such as Jan Grarup (in Riga, Latvia), Edmund Clark (in London), Mimi Mollica (in London) and Raffaella Lepanto (in London)
I focus my works on social issues, environment, politics and human rights.
My recent works have been exhibited at the Italians of London exhibition (UK 2014), Tblisi photo festival (Georgia 2013), Occhirossifestival (Italy 2011 2012). I have been awarded at Px3 (Paris Photo Price) and I also have been published on: The Times, The Independent, Washington post, Il sole 24 ore El Mundo, Rolling Stones magazine etc.
For more information visit Andrea Falletta