Jude White
Jude White.
Jude has been a practising artist and teacher for over 25 years. She is also a Relationship counsellor and mother. Currently Jude works as the Women’s Screen Printing trainer at Injalak Arts and Crafts, an Indigenous owned arts centre in Arnhem land, NT.
She first began teaching screen printing at Byron College in 2000. She has also run workshops at Bachelor Institute of Indigenous Education, Yirrikala, Ernabella and Territory crafts in NT and has run numerous workshops for Victorian organisations. She has also worked for Anglicare, Relationships Australia, run art therapy groups for women recovering from family violence and Women’s groups around Australia.
In her workshops, Jude says she "I really enjoy bringing together a group of people with different intentions and creative ideas that can support and inspire one another. Over the weeks, the participants get to know each other quite intimately and we have lots of fun! And I always get to learn something new."
Jude is passionate about helping anyone who want to give their creativity a go. She concentrates on teaching methods that can be easily recreated at home so participants can continue at whatever level they wish to after the course.
Injalak Arts Gunbalanya, Face book page Check out Women’s screen printing photos.
"Injalak Arts and Crafts"http://injalak.com/