Alice Miyagawa
A love of arts, language, and culture was instilled at a young age. She has lived in Melbourne, Sydney, New Zealand (2 years), Scotland (7 years), Laos (6 years on and off) and Japan (12 years), and loves to travel. Alice trained and worked as a teacher and coach in Japan for 12 years. In late 2013, she returned to live in Australia, setting up her new base in Byron Shire with her Japanese husband. She completed TAE40110 at BCC in 2014. She specializes in adult education, working with artists, ecologists, and healing arts practitioners, including those for whom international liasons are a crucial career element. Alice has also worked as a translator, creating copy for private and official documents, including webpages, portfolios and printed PR materials. She translated and edited the book Nara: Ancient Echoes.
ALice holds a BArts (English Lit & Visual Arts, minor in Writing), Grad Cert Design (Ecological Sustainability, Textile Arts) and Vocational Study in Textile Arts of South-East Asia & Japan as well as a Certificate IV Training and Assessment and Japanese language skills