Brad Halasz
Bunya is a farmer, life-long gardener and lover of nature. He is inspired by cultures that continue to evolve creative practices of sustaining their material needs in a manner that demonstrates deep reverence for their natural environment and all of its life forms. Bunya works as a designer, educator and gardening mentor. His work supports individuals and communities to grow food, fuel and fibre within ecologically regenerative systems as well as facilitating pathways of knowledge and skill sharing through courses and traineeships.
Bunya continues to challenge himself with an ever expanding awareness and sensitivity, to broaden the field of Permaculture as a key tool in global healing through creating a regenerative relationship to the world around us. He is informed by the practices and philosophies of Permaculture, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Syntropic Farming and the ways of many indigenous cultures of Australia and beyond. This worked is balanced by much needed internal awareness and ‘Being’ in the world. His work as an activist through the application of Permaculture Principles is nourished and guided by his work as Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist and his dedication as a lifelong student of Taoist philosophy in self-awareness, relation to others and relationship to nature as the foundation of life on our planet.
"The Byron Community College opened their doors to me 6 or 7 years ago. After running courses on my own for some years it seemed natural to collaborate with the broader team of Permaculturists at the college and bring our cumulative wealth of knowledge together as a strong team, each offering our own niche in this work. Working on a range of evolving food forest projects and farms in the Byron Shire, I value the courses I work on with the college as a great opportunity to connect with a broad range of local individuals passionate about gardening and growing a unique lifestyle for themselves within our community. Many of these connections have evolved into great friendships and often working relationships. I love the friendly, strong base of support offered by the admin team at the college and am grateful for the ongoing opportunities to grow and develop my work as an educator through the BCC"