Wellbeing - Byron Community College
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Wellbeing courses and workshops available in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby

Learn skills that can make a real difference to your life and the lives of other’s.

Browse the wide range of wellness courses available here in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby. Each is designed to give you the skills to nurture wellbeing in yourself and others.

Choose from hands-on therapies and feng shui to sports and more.

Find out more, below.

A Compassionate Lense on Anger

A Compassionate Lense on Anger

Anger can be a potent emotion. Looking from a new perspective you can start to bring greater clarity and help transform anger into more constructive feelings. Break unhelpful patterns of thinking and develop empowering choices in healthy ways to respond when things are not as you'd prefer. This course will not "solve" your dilemma, however can contribute to greater clarity. Understanding what is going on for you when you are angry can open you to new choices and make it less likely... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Reading Psychic Energy

Reading Psychic Energy

You do not need any magical abilities to join this course. Just a curiosity to explore the realm of psychic and energy. Practices will be given to show you how to open up and connect, and also how to ground and anchor your energy. We practice reading energy with boundaries to connect you to your fullest potential within this space. What You'll Learn: Listening: how to drop-in & connect The 'Clairs' your psychic language discernment tools Basics of reading (containment, connection,... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Reiki Level 2

Reiki Level 2

Continue on your Reiki journey as we explore the symbols in healing, then learn to draw and use these symbols. We will explore the power of distance healing, house and space clearings and hands on healings. In Reiki Level II we dive into the chakras and the energy bodies, learning how to balance, cleanse and clear any blocks preventing you from moving forward in your life. Deepen your healing journey through expanding your healing abilities & join us for an enjoyable insightful... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Mindfulness & Healthy Lifestyle

Mindfulness & Healthy Lifestyle

Learn simple mindfulness techniques that will help to calm busy minds. If you are struggling with an overthinking intellect, anxiety, or insomnia, these basic meditation practices can help you to be more present to each moment, slow down and quiet the chattering of the mind. We will learn how to meditate and integrate some mindfulness techniques in your every day life. No experience needed. What to bring: Comfortable clothes A yoga mat A comfortable cushion to sit on (or 2)... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Hemp Education

Hemp Education

Have you thought about entering the Hemp industry? There is a lot to take into consideration. In this basic introductory class, we will help you understand what is hemp, current uses in the market, factors to consider for growing hemp, the current state of the Australian hemp industry, plus more valuable information. Come and ask questions and see if being part of the hemp industry is really for you. We are in our third year of growing hemp on a small scale (3ha) and have been... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Crystal Awakening Level 1

Crystal Awakening Level 1

In this one day IICT Approved Workshop, experience the loving, powerful energies of crystals and how they can assist you in activating the wisdom of your heart and soul as you experience your own divinity. Awaken and develop your own unique individual healing powers as you tap into your intuition, creativity, inspiration, higher self and your heart as you take this powerful journey with the crystal kingdom.   Throughout this workshop you will discover how to activate the healing... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Women's Wellness Workshop

Women's Wellness Workshop

Are you sick of feeling tired, stressed and worried? Do you have trouble sleeping, do you gain weight easily, have brain fog and digestive upsets? These are all common health problems we face everyday. Come along to a fun, interactive women’s group coaching programme where you’ll develop the confidence and motivation to address your challenges and succeed. You’re much more likely to stick to your gym routine if you have a workout partner, right? The same is true with group... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Myofascial Release Massage Part I

Myofascial Release Massage Part I

Add Myofascial Release methods to your existing therapeutic skill-set to deliver an even more in-depth treatment to your friends, family and clients. In Myofascial Release Massage Part I, Upper Body, you will learn 32 release strokes that can be easily integrated into your existing routine, offered as a stand-alone myofascial release massage, or used to relieve common complaints such as lower back pain and sore necks. We know that the body holds tension and repressed emotion. Many... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Sanskrit for Mantra Chanting

Sanskrit for Mantra Chanting

Are you interested in learning about the sacred power of sound and vibration, known as “nada” in Sanskrit? Whether you are new to Sanskrit or a long-time lover or teacher of kirtan, meditation, chanting or yoga, come and combine the benefits of mantra meditation with ongoing spiritual and vocal practice. You will be able to read, pronounce and write Sanskrit Mantras in Devanagari (Sanskrit Alphabet). Deva means divine, Nagari means language or place. So, Sanskrit as the “language... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Accidental Counsellor

Accidental Counsellor

An Accidental Counsellor refers to anyone who is not employed as a counsellor, however finds themselves in a counselling role expected to deal with someone in emotional distress. You could be a frontline worker in an administrative role, a nurse, teacher, hairdresser, coach, support worker, complimentary health practitioner etc. You will learn how to be an effective empathetic listener and learn a clear and practical framework in which to support the person in emotional need. The... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.