Funded Training - Byron Community College
Results for
Funded Training

Take the plunge!

Some of our training is fully funded or subsidised by the NSW Government to help you get the skills you need. At present we receive funding through the following programs:

  • Smart and skilled - for more information about Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria for subsidised or fee free places click here "Smart and Skilled"
  • Adult & Community Education - for more information about Adult & Community Education eligibility criteria for subsidised places click here "Adult & Community Education"
  • Tech Savvy Seniors - for more information about Tech Savvy Seniors click here "Tech Savvy Seniors"

Different levels of funding are available, call and speak to one of our friendly staff to see if you're eligible on 02 6684 3374.

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government

Success As A Virtual Assistant

Success As A Virtual Assistant

Join professional blogger and business mentor, Louise Sommer, and learn how to become a successful, professional and thriving Virtual Assistant. In this workshop, you'll get practical go-to guidance that covers all the essentials for a thriving VA business. This course covers several topics, including clear professional communication with clients, so as to avoid the typical frustrations and annoyances many business-owners experience with their VA’s. You will also learn a few tricks... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Behaviour and Response Training (BART) Work

Behaviour and Response Training (BART) Work

Behaviour and Response Training (BART) works effectively and safely with adults in care who deal with challenging and high risk behaviours (Includes 'An Introduction to Self Protective Behaviour -SPB). Challenging or concerning behaviour often occurs in response to a complex array of often interrelating factors and can include beahviour that leads to: an increase in staff frustration and decreased job satisfaction, impacting on staff retention. physical and/or psychological injury... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

AHC42116 - Certificate IV in Permaculture

AHC42116 - Certificate IV in Permaculture

Come on the journey to grow your permaculture know-how right in the green heart of Northern NSW! Permaculture is a richly rewarding career, where you can immerse yourself in sustainable living and organic farming practices. It can provide you with opportunities to work in community development locally and internationally, aid projects, integrated food production or design for sustainable living. This Certificate IV Qualification aims to expand your existing knowledge of... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate IV in Permaculture AHC42116.
  • Provide advice on permaculture principles and practices (AHCPER401)
  • Design harvesting and storage systems for permaculture products (AHCPER407)
  • Manage a permaculture seed bank (AHCPER409)
  • Identify and analyse bioregional characteristics and resources (AHCPER406)
  • Manage organic soil improvement (AHCORG403)
  • Recommend approaches for sustainable community and bioregional development (AHCPER410)
  • Design an urban permaculture system (AHCPER403)
  • Operate within a sustainable community and bioregional development program (AHCPER411)
  • Plan and implement permaculture works (AHCPER404)
  • Select appropriate technology for a permaculture system (AHCPER405)
  • Evaluate suitability of species as solutions for permaculture applications (AHCPER413)
  • Cost a project (AHCBUS407)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Wicking Bed Workshop

Wicking Bed Workshop

Join us in this hands-on immersive one-day Wicking Bed Workshop. Discover the secrets of efficient and sustainable gardening as you learn how to create a self-watering garden bed that conserves water and promotes healthy plant growth.  Our experienced instructor will guide you through the step-by-step process of building and maintaining a wicking bed, including selecting materials, proper irrigation techniques, and optimizing soil health. Leave equipped with the knowledge and... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Computer Basics 1

Computer Basics 1

This course is designed to help you gain the skills and knowledge needed to use a computer for everyday tasks, whether at work, study or for your own personal use. Classes will be conducted with College PCs using Microsoft Suite and are open to anyone who would like to master basic computer skills. See your confidence grow as you learn about navigating the Windows environment. In no time you’ll be managing your files and folders in File Explorer, creating and saving Word documents,... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Introduction to Massage

Introduction to Massage

Are you fascinated by the human body? Like to learn more about human anatomy and develop the skills to treat your friends and family to the ancient healing art of massage? This eight week Introduction to Massage course will open your eyes to the fascinating world just under your skin. This introductory course is designed to give you the basic skills to provide massage for friends and family at home. Who knows though, it may just ignite your curiosity enough to go on to join us for... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Use strategies to plan simple workplace tasks (FSKLRG005)
  • Engage in short and simple spoken exchanges at work (FSKOCM002)
  • Prepare to participate in a learning environment (FSKLRG001)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Blogging Bootcamp - Online Class

Blogging Bootcamp - Online Class

Let’s take your blog to the next level! Learn how to create and run an international, professional and captivating blog that impresses. Join professional blogger, writer and art designer, Louise Sommer, and learn the ropes of creating a great blog; from the visual design to writing, the content, structure, branding and getting the word out! Professional blogging demands great content, a visually inviting and pleasing look – all created through careful planning, clear product... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Myofascial Release Massage Part 2

Myofascial Release Massage Part 2

Add Myofascial Release methods to your existing therapeutic skill-set to deliver an even more in-depth treatment to your friends, family and clients. If you ask most people where they store stress and tension they will tell you the neck and shoulders. While this is true, they are unaware that their feet, legs, and pelvis are also chronically tense. Myofascial constrictions in the lower body are just as enervating as they are elsewhere in the body and they distort the way people... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

HLT42021 - Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

Are you passionate about helping others? Interested in how the body works? Looking for a new career? This nationally recognised training in Massage Therapy is your formally accredited pathway to a rewarding profession that also provides incredible flexibility to create your own working conditions. Guided by our highly skilled and industry current trainers, you will develop all the personal and professional skills you need to work as a qualified massage therapist across a diverse... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate IV in Massage Therapy HLT42021.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Building Healthy Soils

Building Healthy Soils

This course is for those who would like a deeper understanding of the natural systems at work within the soil. Welcome to the fascinating world of the soil food web; the microscopic world that forms soils and feeds and protects plants. During this course you will learn how to harvest micro-organisms from your local area and apply them to your soil whilst gaining an understanding of the plant socio-biome and how you can work to enhance your environment to allow these natural systems... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace meetings (FSKOCM004)
  • Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks (FSKDIG002)
  • Write short and simple workplace information (FSKWTG003)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.