College Policies
Guarantee of Course Completion
Byron Region Community College will only commence a course when the minimum number of students required for the course to be financially viable for the College has been met. Once the course has started the College guarantees to complete the course within the period advertised. Should the course need to be cancelled due to poor enrolments, Byron Region Community College will reimburse all students the fees already paid to the college. If the course teacher is unable to complete teaching the course, as per their contract with the College, we will arrange for an alternative teacher or make reasonable arrangements to assist all enrolled students complete their studies.
If a Third Party provider delivering training on our behalf closes or ceases to deliver any part of a training product Byron Region Community College will endeavour to find an alternative training provider. If an alternative is not able to be found a pro rata refund will be issued for any training not completed.
Appeals and Complaints Procedures
You have the right to appeal an assessment outcome made by a tutor. Information about how to appeal an assessment decision will be covered in the course Orientation (first class).
Byron Region Community College has an Appeals and Complaints Policy detailed in the Student Handbook. For more information about the Byron Region Community College appeals and/or complaints procedures please either contact the BRCC office on 02 66843374 or email
Consumer Protection Policy
BRCC maintains compliance with the National Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and associated Australian Consumer Law (ACL) requirements as specified in the Act and enacted in the Fair Trading Act 1987 & Fair Trading Regulations 2012 (NSW).
BRCC has implemented a Consumer Protection Policy and aligned Consumer Protection Strategy to protect the needs and interests of all clients. These arrangements are in line with the NSW Consumer Protection Strategy.
A designated Consumer Protection Officer has also been implemented: Byron Region Community College Consumer Protection Officer Lance Hopson